
Posts Tagged ‘OSEH’

T.I. Speak Out! 2/2

December 31, 2018 1 comment

I’m glad you are chronicling your experience. I’m in the same position as you are in for so long, surprisingly things will get better as you learn more…

I would like to give you some advices…

First, stay healthy, eat well and exercise.

Second, if you decide to be active online, no matter what you do, make sure you present yourself well. This is always about perception. Do not make yourself look you are losing it. Your sanity is the number one goal, do not lose it.

Third, live your life, do the things you enjoy.

Fourth, do not isolate yourself to everyone.

Final word for you, no matter what you do, Learn to filter and ignore. Stay positive and refocus to the good things.

Do take care of yourself.

Below are videos that might help…

#ThoughtJustice, #DoreenDotan, #Bella, #BrianG, #estahrox, #ChristiLynn, #Eva888, #HaveNoMoreFear, #DeEs, #TargetedMinnesota, #DrKatherineHorton, #RaiJo, #BillBinney, #OSEH, #targetedindividual